Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I haven't written much lately because I haven't had too much on my mind. Life has returned to "normal" for now.

I had my follow-up with my OB last Friday and learned pretty much what I already knew. I had an infection that caused my water to break. The good news is, these are rare to begin with and the odds that it would happen again are low. That's relatively comforting. I don't bet on the odds though after this experience. I just have faith that God is in control. It's the only way I can move forward.

So now I am back to the gym. Ow! It's amazing how out-of-shape you can get in just 4 weeks! And I'm back to my regular work around the house fixing dinner and caring for my 3 year-old. It's good to get back into a routine again.

I did find last night that the grief hit me pretty hard, and I've heard it can be like that at first because you don't have time to deal with the grieving process until everything is still and quiet, and that's when it hits you hard. Then I hear that one day you realize you didn't grieve at all that day. I'm still waiting for that step. This is a slow process.

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