Sunday, April 12, 2009

He is Risen Indeed!

Easter will always be a time of mixed emotions for me. It was Easter Sunday that Mike and I rushed to the ER and that's a sad memory, but at the same time, without the risen Son, Chase's death would have been a tragedy. Instead, we stand firm on the promises of God knowing that because Christ died for our sins, Chase has a home in heaven and we'll see him there.

This Easter our small church has been shattered by another loss. One of the men in our church died suddenly of a heart attack this past week. He leaves behind a sweet wife (who incidentally was very supportive when I lost Chase b/c she had endured losing 2 of her babies at later stages of pregnancy as well)and 3 young children. In some ways I can't fathom such loss, the loss of a lover and best friend, and in other ways I know I've experienced life-shattering loss and found that indeed, there is no victory for the grave and no sting in death. The only reason for that is Christ's resurrection! He is risen indeed!

1 comment:

The Perreca Family said...

Thanks for sharing these thoughts. Indeed, having True Hope makes life worth living!