Friday, October 31, 2008

Cautiously optimistic

My number today was 192. My RE says that he is cautiously optimistic, but wants me to do another blood draw on Monday. This is what the HCG calculator said about my rate:

The Two-Day hCG rise was 133 % and is considered adequate.

From what I've read they like to see a 60% I feel like I can be cautiously optimistic as well. Please keep praying. All of the kind e-mails and just knowing that so many of you are praying for us means the world to me.

Elsie and Baby Bean(s)


Kara said...

I think those #s sound great! As long as they are going up it's a good sign. You'll be in my prayers this weekend!

The Perreca Family said...

Yay! We are going to rejoice and celebrate each piece of good news! May you start to feel queasy and look a tad green!!

Elsie Hall said...

Yes...queasy has been stopping by to visit off and on. Today has been nice and queasy. It doesn't bother me at all. I prefer queasy right now :-)

Childress Family said...

Queasy's a good sign, right? You have such an amazing attitude about it all. You keep it up and we'll keep praying! Much love!

Jess said...

I remember hoping for queasy! Isn't perspective a funny thing? :) Glad to hear those #s are rising! Wouldn't beanS be fun?! :)