Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Just Chillin'

Thank you so much for your encouragement. The comments you leave remind me that I am not in this alone, I have some prayer warriors at my back! And it makes all of the difference when you are going through rough waters to know that others are there with you, holding you up with prayers.

So I'm trying to find ways to relieve my stress right now. It has been 2 1/2 years of nothing but stress so it's getting out of control. I tried out a yoga class at my gym yesterday. It was so relaxing...until I went to pick up A. from the Kidzone and he decided it'd be a good idea to do the opposite of everything I asked him to do. Oh well, whatcha gonna do? I loved it though, so I'll definitely go back.

I'm also trying to figure out what in the world I'm supposed to do right now with my life. A. is at the age where he should start preschool in the fall. I go back and forth on sending him. So what do I do with that time? Look for a job? I'm not sure if this is just supposed to be a time of peace and quiet and waiting or if I'm supposed to be going on with my life and doing something. I guess I'm entitled to a little peaceful waiting at this point, but I feel so unproductive with no infant to care for. A. needs so little from me these days that I wonder why I don't go get a "real" job. We'll see...


Kara said...

Being a full time mom is a "real"job, whether you have 1 child or 10. Both my boys will be in school this year and I have struggled with that same issue, but I have realized that I can be a better mom to them when they are home if the grocery shopping is done, errands are run, laundry is done, and I have had some time for me. I think you will be busier than you think you'll be. Be still, and God will show you exactly what he wants you to do.

Leslie said...

I agree with the last have a real job. Yeah no money, but you work much longer hours than a typical job. I am sending Ella to preschool in the fall. I need her to get encouragement from others as far as the basics but also I want that socialization aspect. She goes to church two times/week but I think she needs some more socialization where I am not around. I will need this time to get stuff around here done. You have time though to make a decision and the answer will come!

The Perreca Family said...

"Be still and know that I AM God" is what comes to mind! I understand the feelings of wanting TO DO something. I think you will find that even with Aiden in preschool, your days will be full! Find something YOU like to do and can't do with Aiden around! I'm confident that God will direct your steps as He always does! Hang in there- we are still praying for you every night!!